Source Elements at “Academia de la Voz”
This past Sunday the 6th, Source Elements was invited to participate in a school session for Academia de la Voz to talk about Source-Connect and connecting to talents in real-time!
Meet the Source Elements Academy!
Our certifications program is back with a brand-new Academy website, two brand-new courses, and updated versions of the Source-Connect certifications!
Announcing Source-Connect 3.9!
Source Elements, the makers of Source-Connect Pro, have released a new version with Source-Stream technology for Source-Connect Pro and Pro X. So if you are travelling this summer and don’t want to worry about firewalls and router restrictions then Source-Stream is designed for hassle-free connections without the need for modem and router configuration.
Announcing Source-Connect 3.8.1
We’re excited to announce Source-Connect 3.8.1 for Mac OSX, the latest release including major new features.
Introducing Source-Connect Pro 3.5 for Mac OSX
Source Elements announces Source-Connect Pro 3.5, now available for download.