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Mix Online – Source-Live for perfect remote mixing
October 15, 2021

The Mix Online talks about their experience using both Source-Live and Source-Connect on their remote sessions with other clients.

Charles Dye has found a way to work as if the client is right in the room, despite the far-away factor. “I’ve been using the [Source Elements] Source-Live plug-in in Pro Tools that allows you to stream directly from your Pro Tools session to anybody you’d like,” he says. This way, Dye bypasses the asynchronous process of bouncing a mix, converting it to MP3, putting it in an e-mail and then having the client download it and listen, often waiting for a reply for an hour or more. “With Source-Live, it’s as if they’re sitting on the couch.”

Read more on Mix Online:

Joey Finger of “If people want to do a live session, I’ve found that [Source Elements’] Source-Connect software works very well,” says Finger. “The company has another product called Source-Live that only requires an Internet hookup with QuickTime listening capability, enabling users to hear near-real-time 128kbps files.”

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