Mental Health Awareness Month

Each year we fight stigma, provide support, educate the public and advocate for policies that support people with mental illness and their families. - National Alliance on Mental Illness
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Remote working is at the heart of what we do at Source Elements – we are, first and foremost, a remote audio & remote video collaboration company. We are aware that the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc in the world we live in – causing most, if not all of us, to rethink life as we knew it. The change had a huge impact on all of us, with a reported 25% increase in anxiety and depression cases globally as reported by the WHO organization.

Our entire team, most specifically, our support team members, faced the first wave bravely. There was a ~400% increase in the number of cases they faced before the pandemic -tickets went from 1000 a month to 4000 a month- in the span of just two months. They worked day and night, supporting our users through the hardest times they were facing – learning how to use new systems, getting used to new remote experiences, and not losing work in between. 

Having said that – the pandemic also opened up conversations that were not happening before, instances of empathy and understanding. 

Our company walked us through it all, offering as many resources as we needed – we organized gatherings, virtual get-togethers, group talks. Anything to keep in touch, to keep the conversation open, or even to vent when needed. We learned that honesty is key – as a company, we are now even more open to discussing what troubles us, and we are sharing resources to help each other out.

As a company that promotes an inclusive and healthy working culture, since the onboarding process of any new member, we try to establish direct and horizontal communication channels so employees can report immediately and openly if there are any issues regarding discomfort, anxiety, or burnout.

Let’s continue to #ShareAwareness, #BreakTheStigma, and continue to work towards making our world a better place to live in. 

Do you need mental health support? 

Please visit the United for Global Mental Health website for a list of international hotlines and resources. Speak out, reach out, and do not hesitate to contact them.

If you feel that you are not yet ready to talk – NAMI is sharing personal stories from people experiencing mental health conditions.

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