[image by https://www.lexzur.com/gdpr-compliance/]
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies automatically to all 28 member states of the European Union.
It aims to harmonise data flows between all member states, and bolster the rights that EU citizens have over their data held and processed by organisations.
Read more at the official GDPR site: https://gdpr-info.eu
How does this relate to Source Elements?
You must accept the GDPR terms in order to continue viewing this site. Source Elements LLC is not an EU company, however we respect the GDPR rights of our EU users.
Source-Elements Third-Party Components (LGPL or Similar)
Except where mentioned, all libraries and source-code have not been modified or recompiled for use in Source Elements products.
- Bzip2/libbzip2 0.9.0c | Ad-Hoc (BSD-style)
- cURL 1.2 | Ad-Hoc (MIT-style)
- Expat | MIT style
- FAAC 1.25 | GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later
- FAAD 2 | Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
- Jabberoo | GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later
- Jrtplib 2.8 | Ad-Hoc License
- libmp4 2.0 | Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
- libresample 0.1.3 | GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
- Libjudo | Jabber Open Source License
- libsigc++ 1.25 | GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later
- liveMedia | GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
- MD5 | Ad-Hoc License
- MPEG4IP | Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
- Nullsoft NSIS 2 | zlib/libpng & bzip2 license Common Public License version 1.0. Special exception for LZMA compression module
- Sqlite 1.3 | Ad-Hoc License
- TiXml 2.4.0 | Ad-Hoc License
- TFTP | GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later